Makeup & Mixing Area
Dusty, warm and humid conditions in the Makeup and Mixing area require the most robust enclosure cooling. Use existing chilled liquid or glycol and a PWS Air/Water Heat Exchanger to keep electronics cool and free from dust.
Proofing Area
Typical solutions for the Proofing Area, depending on ambient temperature, include DTS Cooling Units, or a PKS Air/Water Heat Exchanger, and PA X 1-05 Signaling Alarms for conveyors.
Baking Area
Where warm or hot conditions are present (85-110 F), oven controls and other heat sensitive electronics benefit from a DTS Cooling Unit.
From Filterfans® to PKS Air/Air Heat Exchangers and signaling alarms, we provide a comprehensive range of thermal management and signaling solutions to protect your automation electronics in high traffic areas.
Chilling/Cooling Area
Applications that require refrigeration benefit from our PA X 1-05 signaling alarms or PA X 10-10 gas detection alarms to protect personnel in the event of a gas leak.
Receiving & Shipping
Where bulk material and finished goods are transported in and out of the factory, signaling applications are needed to warn the personnel of moving vehicles like forklifts and guaranty building safety.
Dusty, warm and humid conditions in the Makeup and Mixing area require the most robust enclosure cooling. Use existing chilled liquid or glycol and a PWS Air/Water Heat Exchanger to keep electronics cool and free from dust.
In Proofing Areas, electrical enclosures that require thermal management can benefit from PWS Air/Water Heat Exchangers, DTS Cooling Units, Heaters, Thermostats and Signaling Alarms for conveyors.
Where warm or hot conditions are present (85-110 F), oven controls and other heat sensitive electronics benefit from a DTS Cooling Unit to avoid overheating and unecessary downtimes.
Areas of the plant that use refrigeration, and where gasses such as ammonia are present, are an ideal location for our rugged PATROL Series Flashing Sounders. The system combines visual and audible signaling to increase personnel safety with warning personnel of an evacuation when there is presence of hazardous gasses.
In high traffic areas with many types of automation such as high speed conveyors, and packaging equipment, it is critical that electronics are kept cool and dry. From Filterfan®s to signaling alarms, we provide a comprehensive range of thermal management and signaling solutions to protect your automation equipment.
Where bulk material and finished goods are transported in and out of the factory, thermal management and signaling applications are needed throughout. From Filterfans to signaling alarms, we provide a comprehensive range of solutions to protect your automation equipment and ensure safety for your personnel.
Products at a Glance
Case Studies & Articles
Enclosure Cooling for Commercial Bakeries?
Easy As Pie!

How to Reduce Downtime & Repairs
for Commercial Bakeries